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October 14, 2009


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What's the price look like for the Pieces line?

Super, super-duper excited about the pieces! :)

Cybele, the Pieces were priced at $2.95 for a 10 oz. bag at Chocolate World. The Bliss packages were $3.95 for an 8.5 oz. bag (and worth every penny—I really like these!)

Ramona, the Pieces are pretty good, too! I really liked the York Mints that came in cool little tins, but they were a lot more expensive than the York Pieces are. Time to break into the Almond Joy Pieces now...

Also, the official word on the Pieces line is that they'll be officially on the shelves on December 4.

As someone who grew up in Hershey but now lives about two hours away, I love your blog and all the Hershey insider updates! I do have a question...Do you know if there is a public or copycat recipe for those delicious giant cookies they bake at Chocolate World? I've tried searching for one before, but haven't had any luck. Thanks!

Thanks, Sarah! Y'know, I haven't run into a recipe for those Chocolate World cookies yet, but I'll have to check into it. Just smelling those warm cookies when you're coming down the ramp from the Chocolate World ride... I can never walk by without buying one!

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