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July 11, 2008


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I just recently purchased a bag of the new Caramel Apple Kisses from Wal-Mart to put in my bowl at work for my customers to enjoy. Well, so far I have only had one customer enjoy them. The others have literally spit the candy out at my desk. I am not sure they are a great seller around here. I personally did not like them, therefore, I have made sure they sit on my desk for others to enjoy, however, they are not enjoying them at all. Can't wait to try the candycorn kisses!!

The caramel apple kisses were not a great idea, in my mind. We have them in a bowl on the customer service desk and everyone who has tried them, have disliked them. I don't think that the fruity flavor goes well with the kiss..

The caramel apple kisses seemed great at first but there's too much chocolate and not enough caramel with the apple flavor. People at my work seem to be enjoying them enough to eat them. I haven't had any negative comments yet.

I like them but they are a bitch to run on our moulding machines :)

Excellent news, "man" -- it looks like Caramel Apple Kisses will be back again for Autumn 2009. :-)

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