It's a good weekend to be a sports fan in Hershey. If you can tear yourself away from The Masters television coverage, there are two excellent opportunities to see pure sports at a more local level.
On Saturday morning, Hershey Little League will hold its opening ceremonies beginning at 9:00 a.m. at North Field. The event is open to the public, and the first games of the new season will follow. Go treat yourself to baseball the way it once was -- free of steroids and multi-million-dollar contracts, just the crack (OK, the "ping") of the bat and the sounds of happy families enjoying the day.
If you're looking for more sports fun, catch some Hershey Bears hockey at the GIANT Center on Saturday and Sunday evening as the team wraps up its regular season. A playoff spot is on the line, so you'll see a hungry team playing hard and finishing its checks. No prima donnas here!