I've finally started seeing ads for Hershey's Bliss (I noticed one during Top Chef on Wednesday), and I'm liking them. Which is good, since Bliss is apparently targeted to my demographic.
According to Adweek:
Two TV spots, aimed at women, say, "Bliss is everywhere. You just have to unwrap it." One spot shows women in simple pursuits such as strolling in a field of sunflowers, swinging on a hammock and a mom and daughter lying on a grassy field. The ad also is rich in product shots of the Hershey's Bliss 9.6-ounce bag and candy pieces. It includes the song "Bliss" by singer/songwriter Alice Peacock.
What I like most about the Bliss ad I saw was the return of real people in Hershey's ads. The ads that stick with me over time are the ads that feature people enjoying the product: Hershey's original "Kissing Kids"; the chance meetings of one person with chocolate and another with peanut butter; the people talking about how they eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup; the "Put a Smile on Your Face" jingle; all those great images of people enjoying "The Great America Chocolate Bar" at the end of the Chocolate World ride -- I loved seeing those happy faces!
But in recent years, it seems as though Hershey's advertising has been heading for product-only ads or celebrity endorsements. Animated Hershey's Kisses, endorsements by Jessica Simpson, Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley. Elvis Peanut Butter Cups. Dale Earnhardt Hershey Bars.
So it's nice to see the Bliss ads with "real people" in them. I hope it means a return to those people-centric ads I love. And maybe even a return of some happy faces with Hershey Bars somewhere in Chocolate World...
oh man, those "You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!/You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!" are some of my favorite ads of all time. They were so, SO goofy but I loved 'em!
Posted by: Ramona | April 07, 2008 at 03:56 PM